Impct for change
The 2030 Agenda forces us to look beyond national borders and short-term interests and act in solidarity for the long term!” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon 2015.
More timely than ever, we must actively engage in shaping global economic progress in harmony with social justice and within the ecological limits of our planet.
A key lever for systemic change lies in the power of business, which must balance its own financial returns with environmental and socio-cultural ones. For only a balanced society is fit for future. We need to work towards an economy and society that takes responsibility for the effects of its own actions in time and space.
IMPCTforChange wants to do its part in this endeavor.
Imagine economy
loves ecology
All the means to overcome today’s multiple crises are available. Appropriate solutions from politics, business, science and civil society are nevertheless too often developed and pursued in isolation. But sustainable societal change is a joint effort! Together we are stronger.
Imagine dreams
earn money
IMPCTforChange builds bridges, creates networks, bundles knowledge, advises companies, promotes social businesses, brings people together and provides important resources. For economic, ecological and socio-cultural change, shaped together sustainably.
Our Work
IMPCTforChange wants to play its part in solving the challenges of our time. From the middle – between stakeholders from business, civil society, academia, politics, investment capital markets and end consumers, IMPCTforChange connects and accompanies them on their transformation path towards sustainability.
All the tools to achieve the environmental and climate goals, as well as all SDGs are in our hands. Harnessing them, creating frameworks as well as guidelines and achieving a truly sustainable impact is the challenge IMPCTforChange is taking on.
Im Versuch, einen nachhaltigen gesellschaftlichen Wandel zu vollziehen, drohen wir weder an mangelnden Lösungsansätzen noch an fehlenden Mitteln und Ressourcen – Kapital – zu scheitern. Vielmehr scheitern wir im Paradigmenwechsel daran, nicht gemeinsam zu handeln, Schnittstellen zu ignorieren, systemische Veränderungen nicht schnell genug zu erkennen und die Wirkung unseres Handelns nicht ausreichend zu hinterfragen. „Gut gemeint ist nicht gleich gut gemacht.“
Seit einigen Jahren beobachten wir zudem ein Zusammenwachsen des zweiten und dritten Sektors in vielen Volkswirtschaften. Die Wirtschaft geht neue Allianzen mit der Gemeinnützigkeit ein, doch noch immer fehlt es allen Beteiligten oft an Mut, sich wirklich aufeinander einzulassen, voneinander zu lernen und zu profitieren, zu kooperieren, einander zu befruchten. Auch diese Berührungsängste der Akteure führen dazu, dass Potenzial ungenutzt bleibt, Chancen vertan werden und Wirkungen verpuffen, weil die Vergleichsgrößen fehlen.
Solche Vergleichsgrößen hat IMPCT über die Entwicklung klassischer KPIs geschaffen. Mit unserem Konzept des Social ROI fördern wir die wirkungs- und sinnvolle Vernetzung verschiedener Player und vermitteln das wichtige Bewusstsein für ein neues Verständnis von Profit und Rendite, das ökonomische, ökologische und soziokulturelle Faktoren und Resultate eines Engagements – sowie deren anzustrebendes Gleichgewicht – zu Erfolgsindikatoren in jeder Kosten-Nutzen-Bilanz erhebt. Für alle Beteiligten.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, formulated in concrete terms in 2015 as a roadmap for all states for the present and the future, frame the challenges of our world that are complex and interdependent. As the defining global task of our decade and to preserve the natural foundations of life, they should be achieved by 2030.
Why are the SDGs of key importance for companies and organizations?
Small and large businesses, as key partners of civil society and government, have a major role to play in developing effective action on climate change, poverty and biodiversity loss.
What benefits do the SDGs offer companies?
They offer orientation for future developments and create opportunities for early identification of emerging sustainability requirements, which may result in a competitive advantage.
- Identifying opportunities for improvement along the entire value chain
- Motivating the development of innovative products and services
- Helping to proactively deal with potential impacts of sustainability requirements on value creation (risk management)
- Identifying starting points and opportunities for increasing resilience and efficiency of value creation by cultivating relationships with key stakeholders
- Ensuring attractiveness as an employer, especially among junior employees
- Securing reputation with consumers
IMPCTforChange supports companies and organizations to prioritize the 17 SDGs with their 169 targets in terms of relevance for their business activities, to develop effective strategies and measures to implement – also beyond the core business – a meaningful combination of economy, ecology and socio-culture for sustainable development.
Success is measured in love
Worlds that have so far at most benefited from each other, but have hardly interacted in a meaningful and sustainable way, must be brought together. IMPCTforChange creates spaces where supposedly incompatible things are rethought and redesigned together – financial profit and social value added, economic thinking and ecological awareness, solution-oriented innovation and sustainable production, business growth and cultural benefit.
Impct for change ist...
Know-how &
IMPCTforChange advises decision-makers from the worlds of business, politics, science and foundations and shows how the commitment to sustainable change can be strengthened in an economically, ecologically and socio-culturally meaningful and efficient way.
Thanks to its wide-ranging expertise and diverse team skills, IMPCTforChange covers all sustainability topics from biodiversity to climate protection to energy security and can place these topics in a meaningful and impactful context to the respective organizations.
IMPCTforChange sees itself as a neutral middle ground between business, civil society organizations, politics and capital. Familiar with the codes and manners of each of these sectors, we at IMPCTforChange support agents in successful network building between different sectors.
Tailored to each organization and based on the SDGs, IMPCTforChange develops individual organizational and brand strategies to position companies perfectly in the market and, above all, to make them future-proof because sustainable. This also includes the creation of standards and studies.
Job vacancies
Social change only happens through the effective action of many actors – people, companies, organizations, regulators. But: Movement does not create impact per se.
Therefore, the focus of IMPCTforChange is on the following questions: Where is the lever? How can impact be achieved?
Because this is the only way to create systemic change!
The world is on fire, crises are followed by crises. More than ever, we need concrete solutions as answers to the questions and challenges of our time. Every form of meaningful social and societal innovation must be harnessed. Our ideas, our capital and our will as already existing resources must be linked and further developed in order to bring about the change that is so necessary. Collaboration instead of silo-thinking, vision instead of quarterly number checks, taking responsibility instead of externalizing costs. Only in this way can successful business models developed based on the SDGs, or existing ones, be deconstructed, further developed and and reassembled to be future-proof.
Humanity has brought the planet to the brink of collapse by becoming a major influence of Earth’s biological, geological, and atmospheric processes.
The climate crisis, the overexploitation of natural resources, the decline in biodiversity, and more frequent epi- and pandemics: The list of human-induced global crises is long. Too long.
Human behavior in the race for growth and overconsumption, and the poisoning and pollution of the planet by our resource use and waste production, is leading to the destruction of all life-support systems on a planetary scale.
We do NOT live, think and act sustainably.
The IMPCT Valley team operates successfully in various fields. For example, it is developing a globally first standard of sustainability for German professional soccer, new formats of a sustainability strategy for the publishing initiative of one of the largest European media companies or promotes and founds outstanding social businesses.
Each challenge is about leveraging individual entrepreneurial potential to become a successful business in all 3 domains of sustainability:
- Economical
- Ecological
- Socio-cultural
IMPCTforChange starts individually with the entrepreneurial and institutional sustainability status. In close cooperation with the companies, IMPCTforChange analyzes, develops and designs a roadmap of a specific sustainability path and accompanies the individual transformation journey, up to a, in all depth, sustainable and successful business model. The goal: to secure the future viability of companies and institutions and to lay a foundation for a sustainable and successful economy.
We live in the Anthropocene. That epoch in the history of the earth in which humans are the main cause of environmental change.
For decades, but at the latest since 1972 with the publication of the report “The Limits to Growth” by the Club of Rome, science has been warning us with explicit data and facts that our lifestyle and economic style is leading the world into an ecological catastrophe. We need to find completely new social and economic structures that are compatible with our world and its challenges in the 21st century.
It is not just about reducing a few billion tons of CO2, or even taking it out of the air, nor is it just about reclaiming gigantic amounts of plastic from our oceans or stopping mass mortality of bees. Above all, it is about the fundamental transformation of all our social and economic systems and structures. About a systemic change of our lives.
The good news is that we already hold all the tools, all the solutions for sustainable living for the benefit of all planetary life systems and societies in our hands.
Circular economy, low-carbon technologies, energy transition, innovations of energy and economic cycles, electrified mobility, sustainable trade and production, a change in land use and animal husbandry are only a small selection of the solutions that mankind knows and even already successfully implements in all parts.
The necessary and essential change of our social and economic system is complex and requires the cooperation of all actors from business, civil society, politics, science and social institutions.
IMPCTforChange deliberately places itself as an intermediary in the middle of necessary actors, in order to re-network, interconnect, harmonize and develop cooperative solutions – for a new sustainable economy and life. The competence platform formed by IMPCTforChange, consisting of diverse participants, develops with the help of diverse skills adequate solutions and proposals, which are implemented in different fields of action.
Understanding and speaking different languages is part of the core competence of IMPCTforChange. At IMPCTforChange we bring together the players necessary for a transformation in order to identify the common lever and to use it for the benefit of an effective transformation of economy and society, no matter how manifold, diverse and different the requirements may be.
Our experience in strategy, corporate and organizational development, sustainability management and positioning – as well as their evaluation and impact measurement based on the SDGs and ESG criteria – adds up to many decades.
CSR, CXR or corporate sustainability defines the mindset of many companies. Brands are looking for their purpose, for a higher meaning.
The sustainability officer has long been a common profession. Nevertheless, many opportunities and resources for sustainable change are not being tapped.
We ensure that companies realize their full potential, develop and analyze sustainability structures, strategies and measures, design meaningful KPIs, write studies or support the establishment of limited liability companies or foundations.
Consumers, employees, and the capital market are increasingly demanding that business channel its full potential as part of the solution into a new integrative return on economic, business, and socio-cultural success.
The foundation world is in constant flux. Declining capital income is leading to growing demands for transparency and proof of effectiveness. In many places, structures are being reorganized, also because digitalization accelerates processes and demands new organizational development.
This is where IMPCTforChange is at home. To ensure that engagement does not fail, we advise foundations and identify processes and fields where engagement will have a truly measurable effect on sustainable change.
In addition to writing studies, IMPCTforChange has helped NGOs and many other projects to achieve greater impact transparency and an increase in efficiency and effectiveness of their engagement.
Social Business
Social businesses are playing an increasingly important role in solving the challenges of society and the environment. Founders increasingly want to significantly support the 17 SDGs in the combination of economic, ecological and socio-cultural success. More and more young people are drawn towards the so-called Purpose organizations and want to contribute to society and address the challenges of our planet.
Since the first day of its foundation, IMPCTforChange supports, promotes and advises the social business world in close cooperation with IMPCT gGmbH. At IMPCTforChange, we identify the best ideas and teams with the greatest leverage to achieve sustainability goals. In addition to building capable teams, we support at all levels to generate the greatest possible success and IMPACT. In addition, IMPCTforChange creates and develops its own teams and ventures to solve significant societal, environmental and climate challenges.
Your desire for
suitainable transformation
Do you want to transform your business, foundation or organisation in a sustainable way? Please contact us by E-Mail